First and foremost, I am no expert on anything involved with the BDSM lifestyle.  I am an enthusiast, and an amateur (from the latin amatore, one who loves).  I am no professional; I have written no books, nor otherwise earned a dime from my involvement in the lifestyle.  Anything I say here is my opinion, and your mileage may vary.

I identify myself as a dominant sadomasochist.  That means that I enjoy receiving others’ submission, as well as giving and receiving pain.  I am learning, and will always be learning.  My favorite tools are my own body parts — fingers, teeth, nails, elbows, knuckles.  These are not appropriate tools for all jobs, but I feel that using what I was born with gives a more intimate connection, and allows me to better feel my partner in all senses of the word.

This blog is meant to be many things, but primarily an outlet for my own thoughts and experiences.  Things might often come out unstructured or rough because of this.  If anyone can glean insight, wisdom, ideas, or just simple entertainment from my writing, then so much the better.